... for all the children!
and those, who are older and kept looking at life through they eyes of their inner child.
Because every child has the right to play, to dream, to laugh ... *
"(They) bring their 'social circus' to places where children suffer most from the consequences of war,oppression, poverty.
Committed artistic projects such as "Circus Lesvos" often work on a small scale, but make an enormously important contribution of concrete humanitarian aid for those who urgently need it."
"Out of focus - Independent film production" about their film documenting our work, produced and broadcasted by Arte.
With our circus pedagogical work we do not only strengthen the physical abilities and social skills of children and young adults, but also enable them to exchange experiences.
Our work also trains the participants to express their feelings, thoughts and concerns through circus, dance, theater and music.
The process of creating a collective performance brings them in another world and make the students come closer together as a group.

Promotion of movement and body control
Strengthening social and personal skills
Sensitization of diversity and promotion of integration and inclusion
Holistic and self-determined learning
Education of art, aesthetics and creativity
Promotion of participation and sharing
*Article 31 UNCRC (United Nation Children Right Convention) states that countries must:
“recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.”
Unlike our projects in germany* , our international projects are mainly financed by private donators.
Want to be part of it? do not hesitate to
* with the financial support of :